Friday, April 17, 2009


On Wednesday night at church Marley took a tumble and landed on her hand, bending her wrist backwards. I knew she had really hurt it because she wouldn't use it all evening. On Thursday, Kris took her to the ER to have it x-rayed, just to make sure
it wasn't broken. It wasn't, just sprained and they put an ace bandage on it. She called me and told me she had some things for my scrapbook (how cute), so of course I had to take a picture.

The rest of the "stuff" was a different story. On Easter, after most people had left, for some reason Paul started pulling everything out of our hall closet (which goes all the way under the stairs). There were bags of what we thought were Mark's old stuffed animals and Paul thought Mark might want some of them for his baby. So...not only did I have all the mess from Easter, I also had all of these stuffed animals, etc. all over the kitchen. We also found all of Kristen's old cabbage patch dolls, some mini Strawberry Shortcakes and Barbies and Barbie clothes. It was almost like Christmas when Marley saw it all. Her favorite, by far, were the Barbies.


Anonymous said...

OH WOW!!!!! some of those dolls might be worth something now.....aren't they "ANTIQUES" by now....lololol

Linda L

Debbie said...

Did you hear that Kris? Your dolls are antiques (I'm sure Marley thinks so). Mom

Cindy said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saves things. When I can get to it in the cellar, I have my Kristen's "My Little Pony Castle" and some ponies which I'm sure Kailey will love.

P.S. Did you notice Izzy in the picture curiously checking everything out? Wonder what she thought of the horse?