Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is the group that we (Miss Linda the Daisy Leader, Miss Pat and I the Prims leaders) took to the 2009 Daisies/Prims Rally Day. The Daisys are in the yellow shirts, and the Prims are in the pink shirts. It was about a 45 minute ride in the church van. What luck that Miss Linda is a school bus driver. She was great with the kids, i.e. line up, one at a time in the van until seat belts are on, inside voices, etc. The weather was great, warm but not too much sun, i.e. no sunburns, and no ticks this year (last year they came home early because of so many ticks). The kids had a fun time, but they were all anxious to see their parents at the end of the day (the leaders were too!).

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